Deceased Estates
The loss of a loved one comes with enormous emotional, financial and legal stress. Our professional approach to the administration of one’s estate seeks to reduce the impact and related stress caused by the sudden passing of the loved one as far as possible.
The administration of an estate commences long before one’s death. The drafting of a valid will as well as proper estate planning should be a pre-requisite for any estate. The vast majority of legal complexities can be avoided if individuals attend to their estate planning in good time.
The sad truth is that many people neglect to attend to the drafting of a will. This often results in a very complex administration process at the time of their death. The process of appointing an executor, in the case where there is no will, is lengthy and can cause unnecessary hardship to one’s family.
Where minors are involved, the importance of a valid will cannot be emphasised enough. For example, if a guardian for your minor children was not appointed, the process of such an appointment is lengthy and costly. These issues can be avoided by having a valid will in place.
Our services include:
- Reporting the estate to the Master of the High Court
- Drafting of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts in which the assets are awarded either in terms of the will of the deceased, or if the deceased died intestate (without leaving a valid will), in terms of the law of intestate succession
- Transferring property, including fixed property, motor vehicles, and shares, to the relevant beneficiaries
- Paying cash inheritances to the relevant beneficiaries and, in the case of minor heirs, attending to depositing their monies in the Guardian Fund with the Master of the High Court